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10th Annual Summer Institute in Digital Literacy
July 10 - 15, 2022

Choose YOUR Summer Institute Experience 

Chicago Experience. Immerse yourself in an intensive professional learning experience this summer by joining us in downtown Chicago, where you gain knowledge and build meaningful relationships in face-to-face gatherings. 

Online Experience. If travel to Chicago is not possible and you need to balance work, life, and family this summer, you can choose to participate in the fully-online professional program at home. You'll gain knowledge and develop meaningful relationships with people from across the country and around the world. Both Experiences offer these key program elements: 


Key Program Elements

CONNECT. Build relationships and share meaningful information and ideas in Conversational Sparks.


GUIDE. Choose Workshops to develop your digital literacy skills through hands-on, minds-on learning experiences. Get inspired and gain knowledge through Keynote presentations from experts, followed by Digging Deeper activities that help you synthesize key ideas.  

CREATE. Discover The Power of Two with Design Studio, where you work with a partner to engage in inquiry and create digital texts, using digital technologies that advance your expertise. You can also curate resources that relate to your interests and professional needs. 

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